24 March 2009

Copenhagen, Denmark

Good times. It's frickin freezing here. Why is it that the further south I go in this region the weather gets colder and the women get blonder? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I thought we were done with the snow when it was raining in Gøteborg, but no. Today has been alternating between sun and a white out. But even when there is sun it's freeeeeeeeeeezing because of the very strong wind. Copenhagen is nice, maybe not as beautiful as some of the cities I saw in Sweden, but funky and cosmopolitan. I saw Amalienborg Palace, the residence of the queen. Of course I didn't know that's what it was until I was walking by, saw something weird and went over to investigate. Extremely low security for the residence of a head of state. There's not even a gate around it, and it's guarded by a few of those guys with funny hats and bayonets. On my first trip to Mexico in 2005 I met in a hostel a Danish guy who actually used to be one of these guys guarding the palace. Then I finally found that stupid mermaid in the harbor. Why the hell is that thing famous? Very unimpressive. The sign at 7-11 said you have to be 16 to buy alcohol and 18 to buy tobacco. This is the first country I've ever been in where you have to be older to smoke than to drink.'

One month ago I was in Mumbai.
Two months ago I was in Amman.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering in you'd see that "stupid mermaid in the harbor" since it's the only mental image I have connected with Copenhagen. I think Denmark is the 16th country you've been to now on this trip (not counting US & UK) or countries you've returned to like UAE & Sweden.
